Computer Internet Does Not Work


If your internet does not work on your computer, we can help! There are a variety of reasons you may not be able to get internet, and we can take a look at your desktop to determine the exact cause. Some of the reasons your internet or wifi may not work include:
•       Viruses
•       Driver Issue
•       Bad Wifi/Ethernet card
•       Misconfigured Settings


Our specialists will restore you access to the Internet if the problem is related to your computer.

Internet / Email issues we support:

No wireless / network access
Slow Internet speed
Cannot send / receive emails
New email account setup
Cannot open email account
Excessive spam

Do you have areas of your home or office where the WiFi doesn’t work? Is your wireless slow or unreliable? Are you using powerline adapters in an attempt to extend your wireless network? Perhaps you have a large property with multiple wireless access points which require you to manually switch to the nearest one as you move around the house? Would you like your WiFi to extend to your garden?

We are wireless networking specialists, able to assist with all WiFi issues, from simple WiFi access to a complete wireless network set up.


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